Monday, February 21, 2011

Saggy Eyelids

What can I do about my saggy eyelids? They make me look so tired all the time. 

Unfortunately, there's not much you can do to hide aging eyelid skin without surgical intervention. An upper blepharoplasty (or eyelid lift) is a surgical procedure that removes excess eyelid skin. If the "hooding" is dramatic and interferes with your peripheral vision, some insurance companies will cover a portion of the cost. Another surgical option is a forehead lift, which can help open up the eyes and smooth out forehead wrinkles by lifting the entire brow.

Some makeup options include using dark neutral eye shadows in the crease of the eyelid to make the area appear to recede, and avoiding frosted shadows. Curl your lashes with an eyelash curler to gve the eyes a bit of a lift, and apply a dab of concealer (a shade lighter than your skin tone) to the outer corners of the eyes to brighten dark shadows. If you are considering surgery seek the advice of a qualified plastic surgeon for the best outcome.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Daily Scrubs

I use a granular scrub on my face every day. I want to make sure that my skin is really clean. Is it OK to do this every day?

The purpose of granular scrub is to remove dead skin and polish the surface of the skin, not to cleanse. Although some cleansers do contain buffing grains, using a mild granular scrub a few times per week is plenty. Too much manual exfoliation can irritate the surface of the skin, cause redness and inflammation, and create an unhealthy environment for skin cells. It is surely possible to feel clean without abrasive scrubs, but you will need to find a more effective system. Purchase an active cleanser with AHA's (like glycolic acid) in a liquid or gel form that rinses clean with water and avoid thick, creamy cleansers or bar soaps that may leave a residue behind. An alcohol-free toner is an optional step that may also help you feel fresh if you have a tough time adjusting to life without that daily scrub. Your routine should also include products that will encourage cell turnover (like Vitamin A derivatives or AHA's) that remain on the skin. These daily treatment agents will help prevent that dead skin build up that makes you want to reach for the gritty scrub each morning.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Skin Preservation

I am 34 years old and starting to notice some fine lines and wrinkles. Is it too late to correct them?

It's never too late to start taking great care of your skin and this is the perfect age to begin the preservation process. Most people start to notice the first signs of aging in their late twenties or early thirties and although it's impossible to turn back the hands of time, there are many options to minimize those fine lines and protect our skin from future damage.

First step: Invest in a great skin care program. You will want to incorporate antioxidant protection and chemical exfoliation into your routine to begin to soften those fine lines. Also apply sunscreen every day. UV radiation can contribute to collagen breakdown that eventually leads to those deeper wrinkles, so daily protection is one of the best ways to preserve youthful skin. A series of corrective skin care treatments like microderamrasion or facial peels will accelerate the  benefits of your daily skin care program and create a more dramatic change than products alone. Botox or Dysport are other options that can lessen those lines between the brows, on the forehead, and around the eyes as well as possibly prevent future wrinkles. You may want to see a professional skin care or Aesthetic specialist who can recommend specific products and treatments - just for you.