Friday, January 21, 2011

Flawless Makeup

In what order should I apply my cosmetics for a flawless makeup application?

Beautiful skin is the key to a flawless makeup application. So great skin care should be your #1 priority. Always wash your face in the morning with a cleanser appropriate for your skin type. The cleanser will remove any dirt or oil that may have accumulated on your skin overnight and will prepare the skin for your morning regimen.  Water alone is not very effective- even if you have scrubbed your face the night before.

Think thin to thick when it comes to skin care products. Apply thinner treatment serums or gels before heavier lotions or creams. A sunscreen will usually be your last step. Many daily moisturizers also contain sunscreen, so a combination product may save you a step.   After applying your skin care products, the steps in your makeup application will depend on the formulations of your makeup. Generally, my rule of thumb is wet to dry. So if you’re using a cream concealer, a gel blush and a mineral powder makeup, apply the concealer first, followed by the blush and then the mineral makeup. If your blush is a powder, it should go on after the mineral makeup. Trying to apply a liquid, cream or gel over a powder can create a clumpy look, so always brush on your powders last.  I usually recommend playing up the eyes 1st since your eye shadows can sprinkle on to your skin, followed by concealer and foundation. Complete your makeup application with cheek and lip color.  There are no hard and fast rules, but great skin will always help you achieve a more flawless look.

Gina Thompson, Clinical Skin Care Specialist and Camouflage Makeup Artist

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